What Kind Of Merchandise To Sell On Ebay?

When choosing merchandise to sell on Ebay, one has to look at different facets of the supply chain. This includes pricing, shipment, packaging as well as demand.

So what are the criteria for choosing merchandise to sell on Ebay?

One of the criteria you need to look at is the pricing and shipment when applicable. If you are selling a physical item, you cannot run away from shipment/courier charges. In this scenario, you wouldn't want to sell something that is less than $5 and yet charge the customer $6 for shipment which makes the total cost of the item to be $11 for example while customers can probably get the same item for $8 at a local store. For low-cost items, you can sell in larger quantities in order to make it more attractive.

Having said that, it will be a different story though if you are selling Ebooks or services as no shipment/courier charges apply.

Another factor to consider is the demand for the product. You can do a quick research by looking through Ebay and search for the product you are selling. If there are many sellers of the product, chances are that it is a popular merchandise to sell on Ebay. However, this also presents another issue, if everyone is selling the same product, how do you compete? The answer is you don't. The fact is that chances are you will not be able to compete with especially the power sellers who have the capital to bring in larger quantities and command better margin. So what do you do? Well, you can consider doing product bundling or sell products that are unique but have less demand.

Avoid getting merchandise to sell on Ebay that are difficult to ship such as china or bulky products. Fragile items are prone to damage so you run a higher risk of customers asking for refund. Bulky items will send your shipment costs up and eat into your profit margin.

It is one thing to know what merchandise to sell on Ebay but it is just as important to find reliable suppliers for the products. Look for reliable suppliers from online wholesaler directories where the distributors are reviewed by retailers who have worked with them.

George Tho is a webmaster and reviewer of online services. Read his review on an online directory with a database of over 4000 reviewed suppliers and wholesalers in different trades together with a lively forum filled with retailers that will help you find [http://www.clickbankproductreview.com/wholesaledistributors.php?cbtid=ash07]merchandise to sell on Ebay here.

Author's review website on clickbank products: http://www.clickbankproductreview.com