The Thrill Of Selling Items On Ebay

Have you ever sold any items on the internet auction site ebay? If you have answered no to this question, you are missing out on a lot of fun. In this article, I write about my own experiences of selling on ebay and what makes it so enjoyable for me.

I was introduced to ebay via a friend who is called Jim. We were having an evening out in a bar when he started to talk about the items he had bought and sold on the auction website. Jim talked with passion and seemed surprised that I had never used ebay before.

I asked Jim if he would help me to sell some items from my own home which were no longer needed. He stated that he would love to help and we agreed a time and date.

I will never forget this first auction that I held, I was selling my old mobile phone. The phone in question had been kept in a draw for about two months and was basically about to be thrown out. Jim told me that I could make some money by selling it, therefore I took his advice and put it up for sale on ebay.

I did not think that it would sell at all and I started the auction, which was over five days, at only ninety-nine pence. Originally nothing happened and it was quite frustrating to be truthful. On the last day of the auction, with only three hours to go, somebody put in a bid. I could not believe it, I could make ninety-nine pence! With five minutes to go the auction had still only had one bid, however it then went a bit crazy. Over the next five minutes the phone had another six bids and sold at around ten pounds. To say I was happy with this sale price was an understatement.

I was now hooked and started to look around my house for other items to sell. I have now sold many different items, including music records, football programs, clothes and antiques.

The downside of ebay, is when a person wins an auction but then does not end up paying for it. This is very annoying and despite sending them reminder invoices, these people just ignore you. I am happy to say that this has only happened a couple of times to me.

My favourite item to sell has to be antiques. This is because these type of auctions seem to get more people bidding on them than other auctions I use. You can also find some real bargains in this sector. I would say that around eighty percent of the items I sell are now some form of antique.

I prefer to sell items rather than buy them on ebay, as it is much more of a thrill to me. I have however found some great bargains and will continue to look for more.

Ebay is a lot of fun and I would advise anybody who has not used it as yet, to give it a go. Good luck.

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