How to Start an Ebay Business

eBay has become a huge business with people raking in hundreds of dollars selling discounted merchandise ranging from garage sale items to new products and collectibles. Research shows that more than 700,000 people across the world make a living, either part time or full-time selling on eBay. It is interesting to note that as more people generate income from eBay, the greater the number of shoppers attracted to the site.

Most people wanting to start an eBay business come as buyers, get hooked on the bandwagon, learn the art of selling and as they clear the belongings they have set out to sell, they realize that they have started making money as well. Thus, several enterprising individuals who began as part time home based businesses have turned these into thriving companies employing numerous employees.

But just as with all small businesses, one must be aware of certain things while starting an eBay business. There is a huge market with many buyers and lots of competition. The issues dealing with finance, warehousing, payment channels and fulfilling orders also remain equally challenging.

To start an eBay business, is like investing time and effort in any other. So ensure that you have a prudent business plan just like for a traditional business. Also, make sure that it is in congruence with your lifestyle and your needs with attainable goals.

Think about the products that you are going to offer and strategize on how to buy and sell on eBay. What would you prefer to be – retail store offering a variety. or a discount merchant with specialized products? Is there anything that distinguishes you from your competitors? Select access to buying products will allow you an edge over your competition.

The trick of ‘buying and selling on eBay’ would be to buy at a low cost and sell at a premium and thus generate profits. But it’s not always that simple. You have to think carefully of your strategy for buying products at a price that’s low enough to allow you a profit margin when you mark it up to a price that is still attractive to your market. Also account for the turnover and how your profit margin combined with it will support your operations and still deliver a profit to you.

Once you have your business plan all figured out and products decided, you need to register yourself at eBay. Visit eBay and click on the “Sell” tab at the top of the homepage. Follow the step-by-step instructions to register as an eBay community member. You will have to provide your basic contact information, as well as banking information, such as credit card and checking account numbers. Once that is done, give your business a structure by filing for incorporation or forming a limited liability company.

Since it is a business, whether part-time or full time, keep separate accounting books so as to avoid creating confusion during tax season. Also get insurance for yourself and your eBay business.

Once all the preliminaries are sorted out, there are issues that need to be heeded of a more serious nature. These include paying for your merchandise, stocking goods, receiving payments from customers, as well as financing your business. Although there are many options for all of these, seek out the best suited for you. Stocking can start with garages or basements to save costs in the initial period. You can even use rental storage units and once money starts coming in think of more permanent options like warehouses. You can link up with your customers through payment companies like PayPal, which is an online payment service that enables buyers to pay for their purchases by drawing funds from their credit cards or checking accounts.

After all the logistics are taken care of, you can start your eBay business. Ensure that your web pages are well designed and attractive with good photographs of the products so that customers keep visiting. This is important, as this is the only way for a person to know what he is buying. Decide on which model you want to use to sell your goods, auction model or fixed price model. Packing and shipping need special attention to ensure repeated business. Finally, pay attention to your eBay feedback rating especially designed to help eBay buyers and sellers police each other. As you collect positive ratings, buyers will view your business in a credible light, an extremely critical aspect of eBay.

With all this you are set to becoming a successful entrepreneur on eBay!

William Brister - Detailed Online Business Guide

3 Key Essentials to Start an eBay Business

Owning your own business is pretty much on everybody's agenda. There are different ways that you can go about starting your own business you could open a restaurant, bar, and making public services available to everyone. Although these are great ways to start a business one of the better ones is to start by opening your own eBay business because most of the other ones your going to have tons of employees who are going to take a stake of what you are making. There are three key parts that you have to have in order to start your own eBay business they are your own eBay account, a good wholesaler, and a good shipping company.

First you want to start your eBay business by making an eBay account. Go onto the eBay site fill out the application to start your account with your information. Now I am going to tell you and warn you before you have to pay a fee and not understand why that when you have an account you have to pay a fee for selling items on eBay. So you want to make sure that you have some money set aside to start up your eBay business. Once your done filling out the account you're going to have to set up a pay pal account that way your customers will be able to buy from you and you will get the money right away.

Second you want to make sure that you choose a good wholesaler that has good products that people will want. Also you want to make sure that you are getting the best price for the product that way you will be able to make the most money out of the deal possible. I would suggest that you do a couple of days of strenuous research to find out what wholesalers are going to give you the best deals. If you don't get products that customers will like than you will have a huge problem finding customers that will by your product.

Third you want to make sure that you choose a really good shipping service that is not going to screw over your loyal customers. The reason why is because you want to make sure that you pick a company that is going to get the product to the customer in the right amount of time that way they will not be mad at your company. So this is another area which you want to do extensive research to make sure that you customers are being treated like the kings they think they are.

Those were the three key parts that you have to have in order to get your own eBay business running. Now get out there and get it started.

For more information, you can check out: []Worldwide Brands.

If you are wondering what []Worldwide Brands may be, it is a wholesale resource site that is certified by Ebay.

The Thrill Of Selling Items On Ebay

Have you ever sold any items on the internet auction site ebay? If you have answered no to this question, you are missing out on a lot of fun. In this article, I write about my own experiences of selling on ebay and what makes it so enjoyable for me.

I was introduced to ebay via a friend who is called Jim. We were having an evening out in a bar when he started to talk about the items he had bought and sold on the auction website. Jim talked with passion and seemed surprised that I had never used ebay before.

I asked Jim if he would help me to sell some items from my own home which were no longer needed. He stated that he would love to help and we agreed a time and date.

I will never forget this first auction that I held, I was selling my old mobile phone. The phone in question had been kept in a draw for about two months and was basically about to be thrown out. Jim told me that I could make some money by selling it, therefore I took his advice and put it up for sale on ebay.

I did not think that it would sell at all and I started the auction, which was over five days, at only ninety-nine pence. Originally nothing happened and it was quite frustrating to be truthful. On the last day of the auction, with only three hours to go, somebody put in a bid. I could not believe it, I could make ninety-nine pence! With five minutes to go the auction had still only had one bid, however it then went a bit crazy. Over the next five minutes the phone had another six bids and sold at around ten pounds. To say I was happy with this sale price was an understatement.

I was now hooked and started to look around my house for other items to sell. I have now sold many different items, including music records, football programs, clothes and antiques.

The downside of ebay, is when a person wins an auction but then does not end up paying for it. This is very annoying and despite sending them reminder invoices, these people just ignore you. I am happy to say that this has only happened a couple of times to me.

My favourite item to sell has to be antiques. This is because these type of auctions seem to get more people bidding on them than other auctions I use. You can also find some real bargains in this sector. I would say that around eighty percent of the items I sell are now some form of antique.

I prefer to sell items rather than buy them on ebay, as it is much more of a thrill to me. I have however found some great bargains and will continue to look for more.

Ebay is a lot of fun and I would advise anybody who has not used it as yet, to give it a go. Good luck.

Stephen Hill helps to promote a number of websites including: []teeth grinding info []purchase text link ads []free poker tips

Beginner's Guide To Making Money On eBay - Learn How To Start Your Own Business Now

In this guide to making money on eBay, you will learn how to find products to resell online on eBay.

A popular avenue to start looking for products is on Craigslist ( There, you find household items for sale at low prices. Check out the advertised prices of some items on Craigslist, and see what they normally would sell for on eBay. If there is a substantial difference, then you have an item that you can resell right away!

Right now you probably have some items that are just sitting idle in a closet or attic. Why not turn these items into cash? Take a day and go through all of your items that you are willing to part with. Look on eBay to see if those items have sold well in the past. If so, then take some pictures and write out some descriptions of your items. Household items are popular starting points for beginners.

Although this is a guide to making money on eBay, I want to strongly suggest that you take some time and draw upon your own knowledge base. Do you have any ideas or knowledge that could translate into a good how to or tutorial book? If so, start writing now! The great thing about this sort of product is that your cost is practically nothing and you can generate multiple sales from the same product.

Try out some of these suggestions. You will find that after a few sales, you will be eager to make more sales even faster. At that point, you can call upon wholesalers to help you grow your online business on eBay.

In this guide to making money on eBay, you have learned some great places to find products. All you need to do now is take action!

Stop wasting time looking for products to sell. Access over 5,000 wholesalers in one place! Any type of product you need to sell, and any quantity's all here! You are just one click away from the best wholesaling source on the Internet. Click on [] Take advantage of the tremendous product savings and selection...just like I do in my eBay business! Check it out now - []Auction Wholesaler

Ebay Auction Secrets - Timing Strategies For Ebay Listings

Consider that many people that shop online feel they are deficient in computer skills. As a result, even some of the simplest changes to search results will be entirely missed by potential customers. As a result, the best thing you can do to gain more sales is take advantage of the default search parameter.

When it comes to Ebay the default search parameter happens to be "time ending soonest". Therefore, this type of search will always be seen before any other search type. You can use this information to figure out when you want your items to end, so that they gain the maximum amount of attention. It is important to set your sales ending time when people are most likely to be on Ebay, as well as other parts of the internet.

For the most part, you probably realize that work hours are not the best time to end an Ebay sale. On the other hand, if you are targeting a primarily American market, you may want to make sure your sales end when people are home from work and browsing around. Fridays and weekends are also good times, as your potential customers are likely to have money available from their paychecks.

Aside from the time of day, you may also want to give some thought to the calendar month. Among other things, knowing when disability, social security, and welfare checks come out will help you find people that are looking for your products. Because you can only list for a maximum of 7 day, you will need to wait for an optimal time to start your auction as well as end it. With a little bit of practice, something as simple as timing can easily boost your sales.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Ebay Auction Secrets - The Importance of Adding Pictures To Ebay Listings

If you've ever browsed on Ebay, you will understand almost immediately why photos are so important. Chances are if you are looking for an item, you have some idea of how it should appear. Unlike written descriptions, you process images immediately. As a result, if an image is missing, customers will have to rely on the title, or go and read the text.

Unfortunately, when presented with over 100 items to select from, potential customers will simply keep scrolling until they find a picture that matches their expectations. Therefore, even if your product is cheaper or better, your potential customer will not even bother to look. This is especially important if you are selling highly visual items like clothing, jewelry, or toys.

Many people browse on Ebay without intending to purchase at that given moment. That said, impulse buying happens on Ebay just as easily as it can in any other market setting. The more attractive and clear your pictures are, the more likely it will be to gain useful attention. You should also be careful to use pictures that will look as good in larger version as they do in the listing thumb nails. While creating different size photos may take a little bit of extra time, it is well worth it.

Clear, well defined pictures, are essential to capturing the attention of Ebay customers. It is always important to remember that the job of the thumbnail picture is to get people to click on the description and read more about the product. You have only to think about your own Ebay browsing behavior to realize what a lack of images will do to your sales.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Top 3 Ways to Get Your Ebay Customers Coming Back

One of the biggest websites on the internet is eBay. EBay has anything that anyone would want on it. From tickets, to toys, to books pretty much everything that you can think off is probably trying to be sold on eBay right now. Now if you take all of this into consideration you would think that people who sells things on eBay must being making a killing and they do. If you want to make a killing like some of these other people are making you should know a couple of stepping stones that you should use to get an eBay business rolling. These stepping stones would be to make sure that you have a quality product, keep business rolling, and make sure that everything makes it to be it has to go when it has to be there.

Make sure that you have a quality product to sell to the consumer. Get online do some research and try to find some good whole sellers. Also make sure that the products you're selling are going to give you a good profit because if you pick items with a crappy profit then your business will be bankrupt from the beginning. You also want to make sure that the items that your going to be selling to the consumers are in demand because if there not then your pretty much just wasting your time.

The next stepping stone that you need to start your eBay business is to make sure that you business keeps rolling. Make sure that you make your drop shipments for the correct days. Another thing you're going to have to keep track of is the finances. Make sure that your have enough money put away for your next shipment you'll be receiving. I would suggest sitting down and writing on a calendar when your deadlines are and when you have to order products by that way your business is always prepared.

The final stepping stone that will help you start your eBay business is to make sure that you ship all of your products timely because if you don't then you're not going to have too many sales. The first thing that you ship late you will receive bad feedback and once you get bad feedback then people are less likely to buy from you. So just make sure that all of your customers receive their shipments in a timely manner.

Those are the stepping stones to get an eBay business up and rolling. Good luck to you.

For more information, you can check out: []Worldwide Brands.

If you are wondering what []Worldwide Brands may be, it is a wholesale resource site that is certified by Ebay.

Killer Tools And Secrets To Boost Your eBay Sales

As with any other marketing venue, selling on eBay has its specialty points. Among other things, you will need to figure out how to make your items look attractive to the eBay indexing engine, as well as to the potential customer. There are a number of things you can do to facilitate this process.

Unfortunately, if you do not follow search engine methodologies, the greatest sales pitch in the world will never make it to the screen of a potential customer. It is very much worthwhile to sit and do various searches and study the progress of stores that are successful. You will especially want to make note of how the top ranking stores in your area of interest word their advertisements. Aside from following some basic keyword rules, there are some things that will draw customers to your store and induce them to buy your products.

With the presence of eBay blogs and consumer guides, store owners have another tremendous advantage. Among other things, guides and blogs can be used as a means to give consumers more information about your products. Chances are, once someone understands why an item will be useful to them, they will keep coming back and reading until they purchase it.

Today, anyone that decides to sell on eBay must develop marketing as well as sales skills. By studying the successes and failures of other eBay based stores, you will pick up on patterns that will help you maximize your sales. You can also use customer guides and blogs to help draw additional traffic to your site.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

How to Make More Sales on eBay Then Your Competitors

The internet has billions upon millions of small businesses. Wouldn't you like to have one of your own? It would be great to make your own schedule for work. Another great perk would be that you would be your own boss. You would not have to answer to anybody except for yourself and the consumer. Well it would really not be hard for you to have one of those businesses. All you would have to do is make and eBay account. But there are a couple of notes that you should take away from this article. The notes are to make sure that your organized, also make sure you have quality products that consumers want, and make sure that every item arrives on time.

The first note that I am going to talk about that you should be righting down is to make sure that you keep yourself organized. To do this I would suggest getting an organizer and righting all your important times and dates down that way you will know when everything has to be done. Also with the new organizer also track all the finances for your new business that way you will always have enough money saved away for your shipments and just in case an emergency comes up. What else you can write in your organizer are the goals that you want to have accomplished by the end of the week. This way you can stay on top of what you have to get done.

Another note that you should be writing down is to make sure that you have quality products that consumers want. Do a little research on the internet and find yourself some good reliable products that are going to give you a great kick back and also have a consumer base that needs this product. If you do this then your business should sky rocket and you will be banking in the cash flow. Consumers always love a reliable retailer that never does them wrong.

The final note that you should be writing down is to make sure that every item that you sell needs to arrive at its destination on time. If you can keep the products arriving at their destinations on time then you will have a loyal consumer support. Once you screw up and some of the shipments don't arrive on time then this could really kill your business. You would get a negative rating and once you have one of those it is more likely that the consumers will not buy from you.

Those were the note that you should have written down. I hope you did.

For more information, you can check out: [ ]Worldwide Brands.

If you are wondering what [ ]Worldwide Brands may be, it is a wholesale resource site that is certified by eBay.

The Unsurpassed Secrets Of Cashing In On eBay Classifieds

While most sellers head to the auctions section and immediately start posting their auctions there, the Ebay classifieds section is largely ignored by sellers. Fact is, the eBay classifieds section can be profitable when used in the right manner!

Classifieds have stood the test of time. Offline, classified ads are still a very profitable way for advertisers to reach their audience for a very affordable price. And eBay classifieds are no different. For less than $0.40 per day, you can put a eBay classified and have your ad viewed by people all around the world.

The key to success is to create a compelling keyword-rich headline to your listing. It should possess two elements: widely searched keywords that your target market is using, and power words that emphasize benefits so that your ad gets the click throughs when people are surfing around the site.

In your eBay classified, put up an attractive picture of your offer. The eBay crowd generally doesn't like hype, so give them the benefits in simple English. Ask them to contact you via email or visit your website. The classifieds section of this monstrous auction site is highly under-utilized, so start cashing in before your competition does!

Make it a part of your classified ads strategy. Start posting ads on Craigslist, Yellow Pages (the online version), MySpace ads and US Free Ads. The more exposure your ad gets, the more leads and profits you will make. It really comes down to quantity AND quality of traffic, and this form of advertising will give you that in spades.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

What Kind Of Merchandise To Sell On Ebay?

When choosing merchandise to sell on Ebay, one has to look at different facets of the supply chain. This includes pricing, shipment, packaging as well as demand.

So what are the criteria for choosing merchandise to sell on Ebay?

One of the criteria you need to look at is the pricing and shipment when applicable. If you are selling a physical item, you cannot run away from shipment/courier charges. In this scenario, you wouldn't want to sell something that is less than $5 and yet charge the customer $6 for shipment which makes the total cost of the item to be $11 for example while customers can probably get the same item for $8 at a local store. For low-cost items, you can sell in larger quantities in order to make it more attractive.

Having said that, it will be a different story though if you are selling Ebooks or services as no shipment/courier charges apply.

Another factor to consider is the demand for the product. You can do a quick research by looking through Ebay and search for the product you are selling. If there are many sellers of the product, chances are that it is a popular merchandise to sell on Ebay. However, this also presents another issue, if everyone is selling the same product, how do you compete? The answer is you don't. The fact is that chances are you will not be able to compete with especially the power sellers who have the capital to bring in larger quantities and command better margin. So what do you do? Well, you can consider doing product bundling or sell products that are unique but have less demand.

Avoid getting merchandise to sell on Ebay that are difficult to ship such as china or bulky products. Fragile items are prone to damage so you run a higher risk of customers asking for refund. Bulky items will send your shipment costs up and eat into your profit margin.

It is one thing to know what merchandise to sell on Ebay but it is just as important to find reliable suppliers for the products. Look for reliable suppliers from online wholesaler directories where the distributors are reviewed by retailers who have worked with them.

George Tho is a webmaster and reviewer of online services. Read his review on an online directory with a database of over 4000 reviewed suppliers and wholesalers in different trades together with a lively forum filled with retailers that will help you find []merchandise to sell on Ebay here.

Author's review website on clickbank products:

eBay Business Opportunity

Thanks to the Internet, anyone with a connection and a computer can take advantage of some great opportunities to go into business for themselves. One of the best ways to get started in a sales type business is to consider an ebay business opportunity.

This online auction and direct sales site allows anyone to create their own ebay business opportunity. The fact is with a little ingenuity and a desire to succeed, an ebay business opportunity can be a rather lucrative one. Products and/or services will be needed, of course, to make an ebay business opportunity work, but there are some great ways for almost anyone to get their hands on items that can be marketed and sold on this site.

For those who aren’t familiar with the potential of an ebay business opportunity, let’s take a look at some of the facts about this site. The reason why an ebay business opportunity is generally a good way to go is the fact the site generates a ton of traffic. The site itself enables anyone that signs up with an account to list items for sale. In return, the ebay business opportunity will call for a small fee to be paid to eBay, but beyond that overhead is just not there.

Individuals find all the time they can take advantage of an ebay business opportunity to earn extra income or even a full-time salary. Those who have created their own ebay business opportunity and run with it have chosen from a few main routes to go, these include:

· Personal item sales. Those who want to ebay business opportunity and simply make a little extra cash once in a while treat the site like an online garage sale. Those who take advantage of this type of ebay business opportunity will soon find it’s amazing how much some things will sell for on this site.

· Yard, estate sales: Many people who opt to create their own ebay business opportunity find their products by visiting yard and estate sales, junk shops and more on a regular basis to look for items they think might sell. When the site is studied and buying habits of its users are examined, this can really turn out to be a lucrative ebay business opportunity.

· Personal product sales: Some people who create their own products, i.e., crafters, clothes makers, artists and so on, take advantage of the ebay business opportunity presented them to get their creations out to thousands of potential buyers at once.

To help people take advantage of ebay business opportunity potential, the site enables those who are interested to create their own virtual stores. There are all sorts of tools available to help sellers make the most of the traffic that’s already there.

With the right products and attitude, anyone can turn an ebay business opportunity into extra cash.

Milos Pesic is an eBay powerseller who runs a highly popular and comprehensive eBay Marketing web site. For more articles and resources on eBay Niche Marketing related topics, eBay selling tips, eBay business ideas, eBay software and much more visit his site at:

Kick Starting an Ebay Business

Buying on Ebay is relatively easy. You just need some time to browse, stash a little money in the bank and double check your sellers feed back. I have made numerous purchases on Ebay, probably around 55 and 99.5 percent of the time it has been pleasant and enjoyable.

However, you might want to sell something on Ebay which requires a little more initiative and a few more steps.If your thinking of bay as a full time business then you need to set your sights on the position of PowerSeller which establishes you as a professional.

So what are you going to sell? There are some like Julie Johnson who sells a little of everything and profits to the tune of about $35,000 a month. This doesn't mean to sell just any thing, but to look for what the buyer is looking for. As you can see Ebay can be very profitable.

You can look for the hot items by going to pulse.ebay and research for hot, very hot, super hot and assemble a list of categories that buyers are looking for and you can market yourself.

You can click on the "In Demand" or use research tools from others like "terapeak" or "mpire" to further assist you in your searches. Once you begin to settle on the products or products then using Ebay's "Turbo Lister" or one like "The Poster Toaster" you can develop quality ads for listing.

Ads need plenty of good information as well as good quality photos. Remember the saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words." The photos can mean the difference between a looker and a buyer. Also be honest in your description of the item as you will be receiving feedback and it can and will be based on expectations of the buyer. Don't disappoint them by leaving out important details.

Tracking can be done with Ebays products or a better desk top program like "Shooting Star" all found on my web site. There are other software programs that can make life a lot simpler when selling on Ebay. The "Silent Sales Machine" is also a very informative ebook that will present many ideas and tricks to making Ebay work for you and not for Ebay.

If you happen to find a niche that is profitable and shows great interest then you can check with the trade shows to contract with a good supplier. You can find one good site for trade shows at "eventseye".

Once you start building your business don't forget the forums, Google ad Words and word of month as well as your business cards for added advertising. You can be the first to find that niche that the buyer market is rushing for and turn a tidy little profit yourself. Since links are not allowed in this article you just need to do a Google on search to find these sources.

Lanny W Camden has has owned and operated two brick and mortar
businesses over the last 30 years and now makes his
living fulltime from the Internet helping others.Drop by his sites
and see if he can help you also.

How To Write eBay Titles

The purpose of writing good titles for your eBay auctions is to help potential buyers find your auctions. The majority of buyers only search by title, which means that you have 55 characters to cover all the possible search terms. It's not that easy. This article will provide some tips.

Don't use titles like "Super rare camera look low price" or "L@@k, rare video game". No one searches for these terms and it is a waste of space. Instead, try to think like a buyer. If you were looking for your items, what terms would you use?

You can also copy other sellers who are selling the same or similar items. Look at their auction titles and see what you can use. if it works for them, it will probably work for you. Also, go to eBay Pulse and look at the top ten search terms for your category. Use these search terms in your title if you can.

Be as specific as you can in your title. Include the items' brand name as well as model number since some people only search using those terms. Be sure you include exactly what your item is.


Below are some examples of good titles. They are on eBay right now and they are making their sellers money.

"Thermaltake CL-W0075 BigWater 735 ATX/BTX Liquid Cooling Kit Brand New"

Here we have the brand name "Thermaltake" and model name/number "CL-W0075 BigWater 735 ATX/BTX Liquid Cooling Kit" and condition "Brand New". The title also includes "Liquid Cooling Kit". Anyone searching for any of these terms will find this auction.

"Canon EOS 40D Digital SLR Camera 3 Pro Lens +2GB &More"

Again we have the brand name "Canon", model anme/number "EOS 40D" and what this item is exactly "Digital SLR Camera" and some other details "3 Pro Lens". Any searching for "canon" "canon digital camera" or "canon eos 40D digital camera" will find this auction.

"NEW Cleveland HiBore XL 10.5 Degree Fujikura Gold Stiff"

For this auction, we have the brand name "Cleveland", model "HiBore XL 10.5 Degree" and other details that might be useful for potential bidders to know, such as the rod type. It also includes keywords such as "new"

If you use keywords gleaned from eBay Pulse and make sure you give the brand name and model number of your item, potential bidders should have no problem finding your auction. If your item doesn't have a brand name, or you don't know it, such as an imported MP3 player from China, then make sure that your titles uses as many keywords from eBay pulse as you can to cover the possible search terms.

Allen Owen is an enthusiastic home business entrepreneur and engineer. Have a look at his eBay tips e-zine: []

Do You Need the eBay Learning Center?

If there's a common thread running between buyers and sellers, it's the desire for the most successful auction experience.

For sellers, that translates to obtaining top dollar for their merchandise; and for buyers it means finding a real bargain.

Ebay offers one hundred million opportunities for satisfying both sides.

And just how do they do this you ask?

It has never been easier to find out for yourself----another of Ebay's strong points is that their operation is so totally transparent.

Got a question? Be assured that 99.9% of those questions are answered somewhere in the Ebay Learning Center. Nothing is hidden. They know that the more you understand their process the happier you will be.......and happy customers translate into cash customers.

Their training programs are as complete as any you will find online. A complete ebay education can be yours. The tendency is to jump right in after registering and to start selling. Ebay makes it easy to do just that.

It's known as the "learn as you go" method; but, it can also translate to the "PAY as you go" method. When you are tempted to complain about the high cost of education, just consider the cost of ignorance and things will quickly fall into perspective.

By simply taking advantage of the education that is available through the Ebay Learning Center you practically guarantee yourself a successful ebay experience (however you think of that outcome----buying and/or selling)

For example, the "beginner's" course teaches you how to:

Begin your Ebay selling

Create effective listings based on solid research

Use photography to improve your listings

Determine proper pricing

Get started with Pay Pal

Keep watch on your listings

Follow thru on your auction promises

The advanced course enables you to:

Put your ebay business on a solid footing

List most effectively

Create listings that get attention

Take advantage of Ebay's advanced tools

Use Ebay to improve your business

Track and control your listings

Find and implement the most efficient shipping methods

Put Pay Pal to work for you

Mastering the selling process automatically makes you a better buyer; so it's a win/win/win situation where the buyer, the seller and Ebay all stand to gain.

My advice: Take advantage of everything the Ebay University Learning Center has to offer.

Millions of people world-wide are looking at Ebay everyday.

Sooner or later you will too. Why wait? You'll be glad you did. []Be sure to visit the Ebay University Learning Center.

3 Reasons to Start an eBay Wholesale Store

First of all, let me clarify. What do I mean when I say an "eBay Wholesale Store"? I'm referring to a store you set up on eBay in which you sell products you have purchased directly from the manufacturer at wholesale prices. Why would you want to do this?

1. To Make More Money

If you already sell on eBay you know the potential there is to make money. Having a reliable source of products allows you to make more money, more consistently. By using a wholesale supplier, you can bypass all those old, time consuming ways to source your products (garage sales, yard sales, thrift stores, etc.). This frees you up to concentrate on other aspects of your business, such as marketing, pricing, template design, branding, etc.

2. To Look Professional

Sorry to sound superficial, but image is everything when it comes to business, especially online. eBay stores give you so many options that will make your store look professional, without having to be a tech savvy person. With an eBay wholesale store, you'll be able to brand yourself as a professional in the industry or niche you choose to sell in.

3. To Work From Home

Probably the best luxury of starting an eBay wholesale store is the ability to work from home. Of course, you may already do this, but the level of income you receive from a store is more likely to allow you the freedom to work from home. This means no boss to answer to, no rules to follow, you can set your own hours, etc.

There are many advantages to starting an eBay wholesale store. If you really want to maximize your profit on eBay, you should consider starting one. It may just bring you in enough income to quite that annoying day job.

Are you ready to start an []eBay wholesale store and make more money on eBay? Find out []how to find wholesale products to sell on eBay

How to Sell on eBay Like A Pro

Would you like to sell some stuff on Ebay? It may be intimidating and difficult to do it if you don't know. Here are some simple 5 steps that would allow you to sell like a pro.

The following is an easy way to take anything that you own and sell it on Ebay. Just follow the steps and you will be on your way to the joys of earning some cash, and getting rid of some stuff.

Take at least three photos of your item. The front, back, and side of the items should be clearly seen in the photo, in order for the buyer to be able to study the current state or quality of your product.

Create an Ebay store. An Ebay store is a clever way to get stuff sold on Ebay. It allows you to save money on Ebay fees. This stores are great because they appear in Ebay search results, making your listing more visible. Therefore, helping you to make more money on your item.

Create a listing for your item. The best way to do this: utilize one the free websites that Ebay provides, like auctiva. This site provides you with free template, free image hosting, online scheduling, and many more features that would help you create an appealing listing.

While doing the listing. Search for the items spec and include them in the description. It is important to include as much information as possible in the description. The more information you provide, the more professional and reliable your listing looks. It is extremely important to note the current condition of the item. Some examples are: New In Box (NIB), As-Is, Moderately Used, Fairly Used, Like New.

Complete the listing, explore new ventures. Enjoy the biding war your amayzing listing will create. Lastly, and more importantly enjoy the money.

There you have it. You may want to try just one item at a time, until you refine your selling skills. Enjoy getting rid of some stuff, and most importantly MAKING SOME MONEY.

target=_new []How to See on Ebay Like a Pro

Can You Really Make Money Selling On eBay?

You've all heard the stories about some eBay sellers who are making thousands of dollars (or more) in profit every single month by selling items on eBay. But what you want to know is if it is really possible for an ordinary person to start making money selling items on eBay too? Can you really become a rich Powerseller?

The answer is yes! Just have a quick look on eBay and see how many Powersellers that there are. In the US you need a minimum of $1000 in sales every month. And that's just the minimum. The highest tier of Powersellers is Titanium level and that means they are selling at least $150,000 worth of stock every month. Those numbers are huge so you can imagine the type of profit that these sellers must be making. (If you are outside of the US, check the requirements for Powerseller rules in your country.)

While it might take you some time to get to those sort of levels, the good news is that you can start right now at whatever level that you are. In fact I'm sure that even the best sellers on eBay just started by selling a few things around the house and suddenly realized the potential that you have to be exposed to millions of customers all eager to buy something.

Obviously there has to be some learning involved. You don't become a millionaire overnight, but compared to other businesses eBay is one of the easiest way to get started in the world of business and start making a profit quickly.

You could even do it part time until you start seeing real dollars roll in. Choose a day to list your auctions, the next day to pack up orders and answer emails and the third day to take them to the post office to send off. (Or you could do like I do and sell digital items only and never have to leave the house!)

As you can see, eBay truly is one the fastest way to make money online. You have millions of customers just wanting to buy something at your fingertips. Your next dollar might only be a listing away, so get to it.

Want to learn how to sell eBooks on eBay? Get your FREE Step by Step Tutorial for Selling eBooks on eBay here.

Tracey sells eBooks on eBay and knows all the secrets! (Well most of them anyway).

If you liked this article, you might like another of my articles: []Can You Make Money Selling Ebooks On eBay?

Where To Find Real Wholesale Suppliers For Ebay Resale? - Free Tutorial

We all know what your number one problem is, finding inventory to sell on eBay. In addition, if you have spent any amount of time searching for wholesalers online, you know that it is not easy. So if you are looking for real wholesale suppliers for eBay, I hope that this article will save you some time and hopefully money too.

In my mind the ideal picture would be:

Step 1...Find profitable product in 30-40 min.

Step 2...Research the average sales price...

Step 3...Find the supplier in 10-15 min. The research time less than 2 hours...

Do you think I need reality check? Think again.... In my mind I needed profitable products to sell and not to spend hours on search engine. Now , I should tell you, you should not make these mistakes!

First... Most new eBay sellers look for brand name merchandise to resell online. By brand name, I mean, iPod, iPhone, Gucci, Prada, Coach, xBox 360, PS 3 and similar. If you are one of them stop looking. A lot of these companies are not going to work with small business owner. Even if they did approve your account, most likely the quantity of inventory would be too high for your pocket book.

Second... You can buy excess inventory, clearance items, liquidation items and sometimes you can make profit, but at the same time you can get stuck with that inventory and lose a lot of money. This can cause another problem and that is for you to constantly look for new merchandize and by doing this, you will not be able to expand your business. This can be a great way to earn some extra money, but at the same time it can be costly. I know because it was the route I took originally.

Third... Most successful eBay sellers concentrate on Brand names that are not recognizable to most of us, but they sell these to smaller niche market of people buying these items... I did not understand this at the beginning, but after I learned to research I realized what I was missing the whole time...In addition, did you know that eBay has a lot of free tools available to you to find those hot niche products? It took me well over 6 months to learn that.

Forth... How to find wholesale suppliers? I spent countless hours online searching for suppliers. Page after page...I probably went so far to 200th page of Google. Came across some scam sites wasted over $300 on one membership for nothing. But what I should have done is searched for profitable product first, than for supplier.

Fifth... I just needed step-by-step guide to show me exactly how it is done. However, some of the experience people were very secretive about their wholesale source. If you tried asking on eBay, you probably would have gotten the same response. And if they were willing to give out information, they charged money for it...(If you can take something from this article, that is not to spend too much money on training.)

Now I have that []step-by-step guide and one place for all my wholesale needs. It is as easy as step 1, 2 and 3. You really do not need to spend hours searching for wholesale suppliers for you eBay business. Instead you can be making money with profitable products.

My road to success was very expensive. Trial and error = loss of a lot of money. I did not know about a lot of free resources. I wowed to change that once I started seeing my success. Helping people succeed.

How To Find eBay Traffic "Hot Spots"

Many people will tell you that it takes time to figure out where and how people are most likely to find your items on eBay. There are some tools that will help speed up this process, and boost your earnings at the same time. As you begin to study market patterns, it is very important to be flexible and able to change your methods. At the beginning, you may want to start with just one item at a time until you can make consistent sales.

To begin, eBay traffic is driven by keyword searches. A substantial amount of that keyword utilization involves the actual name you assign the product. You can use this information to zone your product into hot traffic areas, irregardless of how you categorized them earlier in the setup. Simply go to Pulses on eBay to see what the most popular searches of the day are. With a little bit of experimenting, you should be able to see if there are other popular keywords that will result in a good sized target audience.

Together with this, it is also important to think about other search engines, as they will index your product. Therefore, when you write the text for your eBay merchandise, you will want to use keyword optimization of approximately 2%. The more natural and interesting your description is, the more likely search engines will be to place it in the top 10 locations returned to potential customers.

Even though finding and using keywords is fine art, it is a necessary component of successful selling on eBay. Through trial and error, you will learn what keywords work best for your particular product. You may even uncover a formula that you can turn around and sell to others.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

eBay Powerseller Tips - Are You Doing These Things To Grow Your Business?

After noticing common methods among PowerSellers, I've developed this list of eBay PowerSeller tips to help you take your eBay business to the next level.

Focus On Business. All PowerSellers treat their operation like a multi-million dollar business. As business owners, they never forget that the bottom line is profit. So they constantly ask themselves, "Will this action earn me money? If not, can I outsource this activity?" They realize that time is money.

Set Up Systems. PowerSellers compartmentalize every area of their business into manageable systems. By doing so, they have ways to track how efficient they are in every stage of the operation. Instead of taking a scattered approach, they block out chunks of time, focusing on the task at hand.

Focus On The Customer. Most important among these eBay Powerseller tips is an always present commitment to the customer. They address all customer questions and problems promptly to avoid them from escalating. In those rare cases where customers are still not satisfied, PowerSellers will do whatever they can to make the customer happy. If it means getting a product return and losing a sale, they often will. They know that word of mouth is just as powerful online.

Multiply Sales Through Dutch Auctions. PowerSellers try to shift as much of their listings towards dutch auctions, and by doing so, they can sell more than they ever could from strictly single item auctions. Dutch auctions are bulk auctions where you can sell up to 10,000 of the same item at one time. Of course, PowerSellers do their product demand research in order to determine the best candidates for this type of auction. They work with reputable wholesalers for dutch auctions.

Keep these eBay PowerSeller tips in mind as you try to grow your eBay business!

Stop wasting time looking for products to sell. Access over 5,000 wholesalers in one place! Any type of product you need to sell, and any quantity's all here! You are just one click away from the best wholesaling source on the Internet. Click on [] Take advantage of the tremendous product savings and selection...just like I do in my eBay business! Check it out now - []Auction Wholesaler

eBay Dropship Secrets - Success Tips For Your eBay Business

Many people do not know about the key eBay dropship secrets that will help their business flourish. As a result, they often experience difficulties in dealing with dropshippers.

Dropshippers conveniently supply you with your product inventory. Best of all, they ship these items directly to your customer. Dropshippers allow you to focus on selling and promotion without the headaches involved with maintaining product inventory.

However, not all dropshippers are trustworthy. Unfortunately, too often people are eager to get going and so they hastily sign up with the first dropshipper that they come across. As a result, they often end up with wholesalers that offer poor service.

Still, you need to keep these eBay dropship secrets in mind before your proceed.

Dropshipper Research. Always research any potential dropshipper. Keep track of any conversations and correspondence to get a feel for their policies as well as their customer service. How they treat you over the phone will often reflect how they treat their customers so pay close attention. Also, ask for references when possible.

Test First Orders. Ask dropshippers to send the first few orders to you and not to the customer. By doing so, you are ensuring that the dropshipper sends exactly what is specified in the order, and furthermore you are sending a message to the dropshipper that you will be keeping close tabs on all actions.

Take It Slow. Having a lot of business is good as long as it is manageable. You don't have to offer 200 things all at once. By starting slow, you can determine what your limit is as a one person operation and then you can ramp up bringing in additional people.

Follow these eBay dropship secrets and you will find products easily and more importantly, hassle-free!

Stop wasting time looking for products to sell. Access over 5,000 wholesalers in one place! Any type of product you need to sell, and any quantity's all here! You are just one click away from the best wholesaling source on the Internet. Click on [] Take advantage of the tremendous product savings and selection...just like I do in my eBay business! Check it out now - []Auction Wholesaler

How To Find Wholesale Merchandise For eBay - Keys To A Successful Business On eBay

To start a business on eBay, finding the right product through research is only half the battle. You have to be able to access wholesale merchandise. In fact, your best bet to find wholesale merchandise for eBay through a reliable wholesaler if you want to have a successful online operation.

Unfortunately, many eager eBay sellers end up quitting their eBay business due to bad experiences with wholesalers. My goal is to point you in the right direction so you will know where to go for wholesale merchandise for eBay.

When looking at a prospective wholesaler you need to make sure that the wholesaler has a wide range of products that meets your sourcing needs. If your focus is household appliances, then you better make sure that the wholesaler carries enough products in this area.

Next, make sure that the wholesaler has an open communication policy and that they are easy to reach. Look at their website and jot down key contacts and methods of contacting them. With many wholesalers offering real-time support, see if that wholesaler offers real time solutions such as live chat to handle any problems that may come up.

Determine the type of wholesaler that you are dealing with. Either they are a traditional wholesaler or a dropship wholesaler. Traditional wholesalers ship directly to you therefore you have complete control over the inventory and therefore minimizing any product problems especially if there are errors in the shipment. A dropshipper will send your items directly to your consumer which will save you the headaches and cost of inventorying the items.

Most importantly, you should consider using a centralized source on the Internet to find wholesale merchandise for eBay. I save a lot of time and headaches by accessing all my wholesalers in one place and you should too.

Stop wasting time looking for products to sell. Access over 5,000 wholesalers in one place! Any type of product you need to sell, and any quantity's all here! You are just one click away from the best wholesaling source on the Internet. Click on [] Take advantage of the tremendous product savings and selection...just like I do in my eBay business! Check it out now - []Auction Wholesaler

Finding Your Products To Sell On eBay Or Any Online Retail Business

Along with customer service, finding the right products to offer to the pubic is probably one of the most significant subjects for those wanting to sell on eBay or any other on line retail business. The main aim is to buy in at low prices and sell high. Of course, the majority of people just starting out on eBay begin by selling their own personal goods, all of that surplus stuff they have in the attic or basement. This is a good route to take into eBay as it will help you become familiar with the basics of shipping and general customer service.

When the attic is empty, however, you will need to find more items to sell. Every Saturday and Sunday now involves searching around garage sales and flea markets, looking for merchandise and it soon becomes apparent that this it taking up a lot of your time and money. So, where to turn now? What you really need is to find a wholesaler where you can buy in bulk at cheap prices and make your mark up on eBay.

There are a few ways you can do this, but one of the methods you should avoid is to use search engines on line. This is not a good way to find legitimate and genuine suppliers of wholesale goods; in fact you are more likely to come across scams using search engines.

These scam artists set up a business with real wholesalers and then basically endorse themselves as the supplier. They put up the prices of the stock and simply pass on the orders received to the real wholesaler. By this point the prices are so high, it will be practically impossible for you to sell the goods and make any money. Many of these rip off merchants services will not be free of charge and they will ask you for a monthly fee to be able to utilize their facility. They will also inform you that it is not necessary for you to have a reseller's license in order to open an account with them.

Evidence that you are an above board business will be required by any genuine wholesaler you approach and such proof is generally in the form of a license for business and a sale tax permit. Although the actual name of the documents required is different from state to state, whatever the name, these papers are vital to have in your possession if you wish to trade with real wholesalers. This should not put you off though! They are not so difficult to get your hands on and if you pop down to the county courthouse you will be guided through the process of exactly what is needed. In addition, if you don't incorporate, you won't need the services of a lawyer.

So, when you have decided to start trading seriously on eBay, or with any other on line retailing business, these are the main things to remember about the businesses where you are likely to be buying your stock from.

1. You will not find your supplier on the internet via a search engine

2. Make sure your paperwork to sell is in order as this will be required by the genuine supplier

3. The genuine wholesaler will not charge you to buy from him by way of a setting up fee or an amount to be paid on a monthly basis.

If you come across a wholesaler not fitting into these criteria, you will find he is most likely to be a con man, simply trying to look like a genuine wholesaler.

Kevin Sinclair is the publisher and editor of []Be Successful News, a site that provides information and articles on how to succeed in your own home or small business.

Using Online Courses to Build Ebay Business

Most people know someone who has either made a living or brought in significant income from his or her eBay business. Typing eBay in your online search engine brings up numerous success stories and claims of making money online quickly and easily with eBay. While it may be appealing to start listing everything you can on eBay right away to get in on a piece of the action, it is wise to take it slow and prepare yourself well.

Just like with any sound business opportunity doing your research and knowing all you can about how to sell on eBay is going to pay off in the long run. Don't just play the game to play the game. Play the game to win by learning the ins and outs and ups and downs of the online auction industry BEFORE you open the virtual doors to your eBay business.

An important place to begin as you make the choice to sell on eBay is determining what kind of seller you want to be. Are you going to just be cleaning out your basement, garage and closets to bring in a few extra dollars? Are you going to go to every thrift store and garage sale within a 50-mile radius to find your products? Or are you interested in utilizing a wholesaler to sell merchandise?

In addition to these options, you can even sell land, homes, automobiles, websites and companies through eBay. The options and income opportunities are varied and endless.

Ebay connects literally hundreds of millions of buyers and sellers around the world every day, so the potential for finding a buyer for your product is great. Still, it is unlikely that buyers are going to automatically start bidding large sums on your items as soon as you set up shop. It takes a focused effort, and the right eBay business education is key.

One of the best ways to learn how to sell on eBay, is to learn from an online auction course. Sydney Johnston's Auction Genius Course is one of the most complete eBay, online auction education and marketing how-to packages available.

This course leads the student in learning exactly how to identify the right products to sell. Additionally, the online course instructs on how to best utilize the Internet and affiliate marketing to take your eBay business to the next level. Taking the Auction Genius Course is basically a way to start on the right foot with your eBay business.

While each day many people will start new eBay businesses, only a select few will make them work. Preparing yourself with a solid online auction course gives you the advantage you need to succeed in your business.

Matthew is the developer of TheWebReviewer: []Legitimate Home Based Business Reviews, and NetWebVideo: []Mastering SEO, Adwords, and Affiliate Marketing. Matt currently lives in San Diego, CA and is married with two children and has been an online marketer since 2006.

The Best Things To Sell On eBay - Great Hidden Gems That You Can Cash In On Today

Some of the best things to sell on eBay are on eBay itself. The top sellers on eBay capitalize on certain strategies that most don't know about.

First off, look to purchase auction items with no photographs on eBay. It is amazing how many auctions still take place without photographs. A lot of buyers are turned off by them, but here's how you can profit.

Examine the listings and see if the seller offers an iron clad money-back guarantee and if his/her feedback is high (at least 15) with 99-100% positive comments. If so, you can snatch these items up at deep discounts and resell right away (with your own photographs, this time!). These items are one of the best things to sell on eBay.

Next, look at auction items that have misspelled titles or descriptions. You will often find that these auctions do not get a lot of bids since they won't show up in the bidder's original search terms. Plus, these sellers are sellers who just want to sell their item without a lot of effort. Many of these auctions end with no bidder. Follow up with them and offer them a low price.

Finally, look at bidding on items that are ending during the week at early morning hours, between 4 to 7 am, Eastern Standard Time. These auctions are closing when there are the fewest amount of buyers. You can make a lot of money from these auction.

Of course, if you would like to save a lot of time researching these hidden gems, then I would suggest going with a reputable wholesaler who can not only set up you up with great products, but they will often offer them at prices lower than anywhere else. They are without a doubt, the source to go to for the best things to sell on eBay.

Stop wasting time looking for products to sell. Access over 5,000 wholesalers in one place! Any type of product you need to sell, and any quantity's all here! You are just one click away from the best wholesaling source on the Internet. Click on [] Take advantage of the tremendous product savings and selection...just like I do in my eBay business! Check it out now - []Auction Wholesaler

You Can Make Money Fast On eBay - Learn This Secret Technique That Can Yield You Thousands

As a seller, you can make money fast on eBay by taking advantage of deep discounted sales in your area.

Always keep your eyes and ears open to upcoming sales. Pay special attention to the Sunday paper. There you will find circulars of weekend sales. Plus, you will also find some great buying opportunities if you look carefully throughout the paper such as going-out-of-business sales, estate sales, and more.

Try this out if you want to make money fast on eBay:

Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, is known as the biggest shopping day of the year. On this day, all the major retailers are enticing shoppers to buy at their store by offering early bird specials - deep discounts on products. So, your goal will be to purchase these highly discounted items throughout the day and then resell them on eBay over the next few months.

The beauty of this idea is that you will have more than enough time to research the best buys. Start looking at newspaper and television advertisements throughout the week leading up to Black Friday.

Next, compare the advertised prices of these items against their average sold price on eBay. Whenever you see a large differences between the two figures, then you have a winner and you should focus on getting this item. If you plan everything right and are efficient during Black Friday, you will have more than enough inventory to keep you busy for months!

As profitable as Black Friday can be for you, just think that you can find discounts every day, but you need to always keep your eyes and ears open to what's out there.

If you want to really make money fast on eBay without spending a lot of time looking, then do some product research and then look into using a wholesaler to purchase your inventory.

Stop wasting time looking for products to sell. Access over 5,000 wholesalers in one place! Any type of product you need to sell, and any quantity's all here! You are just one click away from the best wholesaling source on the Internet. Click on [] Take advantage of the tremendous product savings and selection...just like I do in my eBay business! Check it out now - []Auction Wholesaler

Tips to Enhance Your eBay E-Book Auctions

It may sound cliché, but eBay is by far the most lucrative auctioning site on the Internet. It attracts thousands of online users across the globe. eBay provides excellent opportunities to sellers who can virtually sell all possible products ranging from electronic goods and home appliances, to electronic goods and cosmetics and a chance to earn good money. These days, there is lot of demand for info products as most sellers are realizing the profit potential of this underestimated market. As a seller, you can shop around for latest content and buy resale rights in order to create an info product that can be sold again and again. Thus, with this small initial investment, you can earn huge profits by listing your information products with a series of auctions.

Among all the information products available on eBay, eBooks are the most popular of the lot. The biggest advantage of selling information products in the downloadable format is that you can dodge the hassles of shipping and handling. All said and done, it is important that your eBook auctions look tempting enough to lure buyers. A website as busy as eBay requires sellers to look different to be noticed. It is very easy to get lost in the crowd, as there are thousands of sellers out there selling the same kind of products. All your efforts and money will go down the drain if no one buys your products. Listed below are some tips that you can use to draw buyers to your eBook auctions.

Pay attention to display

Most eBay offers look the same as sellers avoid spending time and money on a different look. Don't just blindly follow the herd and use some interesting graphics that can set you apart from the crowd. Also, it is important to have a good title, to invoke the interest of buyers. Having seen hundreds of eBooks on the same topics, they are likely to ignore yours, unless the title grabs their attention.

Develop a unique sales pitch

Most product descriptions on eBay auctions are so similar that they almost seem like carbon copies of one another. You need to make an extra effort to create a sales pitch that's unique.

Give something extra with your eBook

As sellers continue to fight for same market niche, it has become important to use sound strategies that can help you survive competition. If the same kinds of eBooks are being offered on sale, there has to be something unique in your eBook auction that can motivate eBay communities to buy it from you. Everyone loves free gifts so offer something extra with your eBook that would make your offer SIMPLY IRRESISTIBLE; an additional report or an extra eBook for the price of one.

John Thornhill trades on eBay under the username planetsms and earns over $1000 per week on eBay on autopilot. To see how he does it visit his eBay store at